

馬雅人是時間管理者,是遊戲大師。他們在地球留下許多奧秘、線索,至今尚未被人類完全解譯。馬雅古文明,在寶瓶世紀,將重新綻放她的智慧光芒,而其中的精髓,即為許多神秘學家、考古學家傾畢生之力探究,蘊藏時間能量偉大奧秘的<馬雅聖曆>(Mayan Tzolkin Calendar)。

§         瞭解每一天不同的能量特質,並與個人生活連結,讓我們能理解所有事件發生的真正意義,並開始轉化、整合個人陰影面向,例如恐懼、疑惑、執著、逃避,達成深度合諧狀態,使更高層面的神聖性達成連結,發展個人清晰,直覺性的內在溝通,協助啟動、滋養我們的光體,恢復自己本有的神聖力量。
§         與星系進化的神聖母體連結,並汲取個人需要之能量,例如:愛、滋潤、瞭解、智慧、動力。不需要再從外在世界競逐他人能量,而一再演出人生肥皂戲碼。
§         與更高層面的神聖本質達成連結,恢復個人的神聖創造能力。
§         協助啟動、滋養我們的光體,恢復我們的多次元意識。
馬雅圖騰共有20個,蘊含的珍貴靈性教導 ,深遂而精微、充滿愛與慈悲的星系振動能量帶來深度治癒與意識提 , 了解馬雅曆法將感到不可思議而深深感動 . 馬雅圖騰,為我們帶來的治癒能量,帶領我們進入更高意識,共同協助我們的地球母親及人類治癒轉化,一起創造充滿光、充滿愛的第五次元新地球更多馬雅曆法說到2012年地球進入光子帶將帶來人類滅亡


   I endure in order to evolve,
   Transcending synchronicity.
    I seal the matrix of navigation
      With the cosmic tone of presence.
       I am guided by the power of birth.


Blue Western Castle of Burning – Court of magic, power of turning around

Red Root Race - The initiators. Key note: birth

Earth family: White Wind, Blue Hand, Yellow Human, Red Earth

CoreKin – Mine the tunnels        Heart transduce

Sky Clan - Blue Chromatic

Tone: 13, Note: C, Name: Cosmic, Function: Transcendence

You were born in the Wavespell of Red Serpent in the Year Red Moon

Red Earth – Evolves Navigation *

When operating in the light of your energy, the positive aspects are: Earth force, Navigate, Resonance, Centeredness, Synchronicity, Intelligence, Crystal Healing, Mental cleansing, Power of thought


When operating in the shadow of your energy, typical symptoms are: Not being in the present moment, focusing on past or future. Jumping to conclusions. Mental Overwhelm. Feeling estranged from Earth.


To come out of the shadow: Be centred in the moment, observe without drawing conclusions. Allow the larger pattern to emerge. Remember your choice to be here on Earth at this time.

Life Question: How can I expand my love and joy?

* The definitions of the Mayan Solar glyphs are keys to our Spiritual unfoldment and higher purpose. A doorway to Ascension. These little bits of information give us a starting point or a doorway into our Solar destinies, and challenge us to become Cosmic Humans.


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